Authority of Words

Scripture Reading - Psalms 138:2 KJV

I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.

Greetings fellow believer in the Mighty Name of Jesus in today’s lesson we will speak on the “Authority of Words”. This came to mind for two separate reasons: the first being the authority of God and the second being using His authority to your advantage. We do understand that using God’s authority is the same thing as using God’s Word. Also, we surely understand that when someone mentions God all believers in Christ Jesus know God is all powerful and they understand that God has “ultimate authority” over this world when it comes to fulfilling His Will. Please don’t be deceived when it comes to bad things going on in the world, that even though God is monitoring (watching) all things going on in the earth He is not in charge of all things happening upon the earth. “God’s authority” is summed up in His Word so wherever the Word of God is lording over a situation you have “God’s Authority reigning” in that same situation. The Name of God is great and greatly to be praised and when we think of the Name of Jesus we can’t help but to be in awe of His redeeming work upon the cross for all mankind. However, even considering the depths of power in the Name of Jesus today’s reference scripture still states that God Himself has magnified (exalted, elevated) His Word above His Name. For sure the Name of God, The Father and the Lord Jesus Christ is wonderful and beautiful and powerful but the Word of God is all that plus more because God Himself has made His Word to be higher than His Name. We (ihlcc) are convinced that too many Christians don’t really know what the “authority of God’s Word” means because if they did they would be speaking God’s Word on a more consistent basis. When we speak forth God’s Word in the earth we have all of Heaven’s resources (the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the angels of God) behind us. The Word of God is the “ultimate authority” of this universe because the worlds were framed by the Word of God according to Hebrews 11:3. The authority of God’s Word might be challenged (questioned, doubted, mis-understood) by men using carnal reasoning or the evil one but it cannot be overcome. Yes, this is great news for the believer because now they can walk in complete confidence that speaking the Word of God in the “proper authority of that word” will bring to past the exact promises of God you speak of. Yes, confession brings (births) possession (fulfillment). Those who boldly proclaim the Word of God have faith in the God of Heaven to honor His Word by bringing it into manifestation in their life upon the earth. Yes, they know the magnification of God’s Word brings tangible victory (positive results) to the Believer every time. The spoken word of God is considered the sword of the spirit according to Revelations 2:16 and Ephesians 6:17,18. This means that the Word of God has God ordained authority over all things and beings in heaven, earth and hell so we must recognize this and use God’s Word to our advantage every time it is needed. It is a fact that not using the Word of God always works to our disadvantage because only the Word of God can undo the destructive work of the devil. When we (ihlcc) speak of using “God’s Word to our advantage” we are specifically speaking about overcoming, doubts, fears, lies, questions, sickness, concerns and all types of bondage. Yes, the thoughts that come against our mind are real but so is the “authority and power of the Word of God”. It is said by ihlcc, “That hearing the Word of God in your heart breeds hope and inspires faith but speaking forth the word you believe in heart out loud brings life, victory, power and authority into that specific situation unto the glory, honor and praise of God”. The evil thoughts of doubt and fears are going to come at you because the evil one has limited access to our mind. However, just because evil thoughts speak to our mind does not mean we must agree or receive them into our heart. No, quite the contrary we can reject the wicked thoughts of the enemy by boldly speaking forth God’s Word. When a negative thought comes your way, just speak it away by speaking the promise of God that is The Way in Jesus Christ. Thinking about the promise of God when an evil thought comes against you is good but that is only the start. The Word of God comes to mind for the sole purpose of being spoken because when you speak God’s word out of your mouth you are exercising (establishing) the “authority of God’s Word”. We all know according to Genesis chapter 1 that God spoke the world into existence and then God spoke order and goodness upon the earth by exercising the “authority of His Word”. If these truths are evident in the earth today why would we think any differently? We must first know the “authority of God” is all powerful and all inclusive, then we must understand we have the “authority of God’s Word” at our use for whatever we need. In short, for all bad things speak forth the Word of God from your heart through your mouth to overcome all evil thoughts or evil circumstances is God’s Will for your life. Know that “God’s Authority” in this earth is still effective and then understand that your use of the “Authority of God’s Word” is our only viable solution to have complete deliverance and victory over all the works of the devil (and all darkness collectively). As long as you have breath in your lungs you can use the “authority of God’s Word” in speaking against the thoughts of evil, or the words of sickness or disease, or any negative report. You can also speak forth the “authority of the Word of God” in song and praise and worship. The key is bring the “authority of God’s Word” forth out of your mouth to cast down evil, wicked and corrupt thoughts that are intended to do you harm, whereas God’s plans for you are always good because He Loves you so much. The Father God gave you the “authority of His Word” because He wanted you to use His Word constantly (daily) in the Awesome Name of Jesus unto victory and liberty in the Kingdom of God. Amen!